Contents insurance is commercial property insurance. It financially secures your business equipment and also supplies and goods. Contents insurance is also known by the following names:
Business content insurance
Business content insurance
Property contents insurance
Inventory insurance
This insurance covers the costs incurred in the event of damage or robbery. So you could say that contents insurance is a type of household contents insurance or theft or burglary insurance for businesses.
Compare the great conditions of contents insurance
Don't take any risks and protect yourself now with business contents insurance.
You are sure to find the right tariff for you here.
The costs that contents insurance covers in the event of damage include financial losses due to:
Your damaged or destroyed items are attributable to you. Necessary repairs, such as changing the locks after a burglary, are also covered by the contents insurance.
In the event of a replacement, i.e. if the item can no longer be repaired, the insurance will usually reimburse the new value of the item.
The thing with values – new value, current value, fair value
Your movable business equipment is usually insured at its new value. Only if the value of the item is less than 40% of the new value, for example due to wear or age, will only the current value be replaced.
And then there is the common value. It becomes important when the insured item can no longer be used for its intended purpose. The fair value is the price that you would have received if you sold this item.
Shortly: Contents insurance – what is insured?
With this type of insurance, all movable property in your tattoo and piercing studio is insured. For example:
Technical operating equipment
Commercial business facility
Technical operating equipment
These are all the machines and tools that you need to carry out your job.
Commercial business facility
This includes office furniture, office equipment, etc.
Attention! In order for the above-mentioned business equipment to be insured, you have to:
Be the owner of the thing
Acquired the item with retention of title
Have leased the item, whereby the purchase option must not have expired or been exercised at the time of the damage
Have the thing transferred as security
However, some insurance providers also include third-party property in the contents insurance coverage. But only if the item was given to you for use, sale, storage, repair or processing.
Do you have employees? Their everyday items are also insured. But only if the things are at the insurance location, i.e. in your studio.
You see, contents insurance is a sensible investment. Ultimately, it protects you and your studio in the event of damage. Let us advise you. We would also be happy to make you an individual offer.
Contents insurance – what is insured?
There is generally extensive insurance cover. At least for the most common causes of damage. It is therefore important to read the insurance conditions carefully. There you will find all the specific inclusions and exclusions.
The contents insurance can be supplemented by various modules. This allows you to include additional risks in your insurance coverage.
The most common insured damages
lightning strike
tap water
Insured natural damage
This is a supplementary module. If you expand your contents insurance with this, the following damages are also insured
There are a few other building blocks. With these you can protect yourself against the following damages, for example
malicious damage
vehicle impact
supersonic pressure
and more
Keyword: Unnamed risks
The inclusion of unnamed risks in inventory insurance is called all-risk coverage. This means that all risks that are not expressly excluded are included in the insurance cover. But only if all-risk cover has been agreed.
Contents insurance – benefits in the event of damage
If one of the insured dangers occurs and you suffer damage, the contents insurance covers all costs associated with the damage, destruction or theft of the items.
Depending on the tariff, however, not only property damage is compensated. Any other expenses incurred will also be covered. For example, clean-up and demolition costs, extinguishing costs and a few more.
Additional costs for new purchases will also be covered. This is important if an item to be replaced can no longer be obtained for the original (insured) value. For example, due to technical progress.
Contents insurance – when is it liable?
When it comes to insurance liability, a distinction is made between:
Slight negligence
In this case, the contents insurance will cover the damage.
Rough negligence
In this case, the insurer has the right to reduce the compensation amount. However, you can avoid this risk by choosing an appropriate additional service when concluding the contract. The only catch: an upper limit on the maximum compensation amount.
Damage caused intentionally by you is generally excluded from insurance coverage.
Competent advice is important on this point. We would be happy to inform you about the topic of insurance coverage for contents insurance. We are also happy to help you with any other questions you may have.
Inhaltsversicherung – die Versicherungssumme
Bei der Versicherungssumme, auch Deckungssumme genannt, handelt es sich um den Betrag, der im Falle eines Schadens vom Versicherungsgeber maximal ausbezahlt wird.
Die Höhe der Deckungssumme sollte so gewählt sein, dass sie den Neuwert aller technischen und kaufmännischen Einrichtungen Deines Studios sowie Deiner Waren und Vorräte komplett abbildet. Das heißt, die Versicherungssumme sollte Dir eine Wiederbeschaffung bzw. Wiederherstellung der Sachen ermöglichen.
Achtung! Bauliche Veränderungen beachten! Ist nach einem Schaden ein Umbau nötig, können schnell hohe Kosten entstehen. Diese sollten mit versichert sein.
Extra-Tipp: Um auf „Nummer Sicher“ zu gehen, solltest Du die Deckungssumme 10 % höher ansetzen. So schaffst Du Dir einen Puffer und wirkst einer möglichen Unterversicherung entgegen.
Additional information regarding the sum insured
There are additional modules for the insurance contract to ensure a sufficiently high level of coverage.
Waiver of defense of underinsurance
In the case of damage that does not exceed 10% of the insured amount, the insurer waives the credit for underinsurance and the associated reduction in the insurance benefit.
Precautionary insurance
The insurer offers increased protection. Even beyond the sum insured. This is an increase in % to counteract possible underinsurance.
Contents insurance – the costs
Es gibt keinen pauschal nennbaren Betrag, was die Kosten der Inhaltsversicherung betrifft. Denn es sind viele Faktoren, von denen die Beitragshöhe abhängt.There is no fixed amount when it comes to the costs of contents insurance. There are many factors on which the amount of the contribution depends.
Type of business
Type of building
Previous damage
Compliance with common safety standards
Scope of insurance
Amount of coverage
Contract term
We are happy to help you calculate the contribution and are available to advise you at any time.
Contents insurance protects your inventory and allows you to replace it in the event of damage. Just think about how much your technology and everything else cost. It certainly won't be easy to replace all of this yourself in the event of damage. With contents insurance, you no longer have to worry about this and can concentrate fully on your work.
Calculate your contribution amount with us, quickly and easily. And if you want, you can take out contents insurance for your tattoo studio and piercing studio directly from us.
Advice? Of course, you can get it from us too!
Protect your studio with contents insurance. And protect what you put so much of your heart and soul into.